Rods and Cones
As an artist, I've had a lifetime love affair with color. Color amazes, heals, informs, makes me think. Every color in the rainbow, a gift from the sun, beams down to earth in the form of white light. This seemingly pure white light is, in fact, a perfect blend of the seven colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. It's a reminder of our intimate connection with the natural world.
X-rays, radio waves, and UV waves are all part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but to humans, they are invisible. We humans only see specific colored wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum. Color perception happens via our retina, located in the back of the eye. Millions of light-sensitive cells, known as cones and rods, detect light and send signals to the brain. These cells have different responses to every color. Those combinations of reactions are the mechanisms through which we see each color. The brain is capable of differentiating millions of colors.
It is the brain, a marvel of evolution, that decodes these optic nerve signals and creates the images we see. It analyzes color, shape, movement, and location with such precision that a conscious perception is formed, a testament to the brain's incredible capabilities.
But what makes the sky blue? Why not red? Why are leaves green?
What’s so wild to me is that the color we perceive an object to be is the color that it IS NOT. The color we see is the color that reflects OFF of an object. All other colors in the spectrum absorb into the object as heat.
So when sunlight hits the trees or shines in the sky, we see the light that bounces off them. Only the color not absorbed by an object is the color we see.
So in a way, it is more accurate to say a color is more of an expression rather than a state of being. This realization can be truly inspiring.
No wonder humans are passionate about color and use it to express creative ideas. Whether bright, bold, subtle, or subdued, we all communicate through color.
Colors as Messengers
Recently, while driving near the ocean in Mexico, I had to stop the car to take in the beauty surrounding us. I could feel the shades of green emanating from the tropical forest. I could sense its healing energy. Witnessing that greenness awakened more interconnectedness in me. I could feel a strengthening in the heart, a centeredness. The 4th chakra aligns with the color green. It's easy to understand why. Greens in nature remind us of life, renewal, and balance. Each color frequency is unique. Green brings us back into our hearts. Red can ground us. Orange helps us connect with others. Yellow brings us confidence. Blue aids in peaceful communication. Indigo gives us insight. Purple connects with spirit.
In the coming blogs, I will explore individual colors and their significance. How do certain colors affect you?
- Kim