Balance & Power
Brown balances forces from the material realm and the spiritual realm, equally.
It can help us feel secure, protected, and nurtured.
It is the majestic mountain standing tall in the distance that carries unimaginable strength and power.
Brown grounds us in the earth and shows us the importance or our roots.
Brown is solid like the earth and exudes strength and reliability.

8 is the symbol of infinity (standing upright) and in this way represents a flow of ceaseless energy.
8 has a never ending flow of energy abundance by the nature of its shape. For this reason 8 is associated with good fortune and wealth.
8 is also the karmic equalizer, constantly creating and destroying, ebbing and flowing forever without end.

Intuitive CEO
8 has a never-ending flow of energy abundance by the nature of its shape. For this reason 8 is associated with good fortune and wealth.
8 is also the karmic equalizer, constantly creating and destroying, ebbing and flowing forever without end.
8’s are realistic and masters of organization.
Many highly successful people who have built empires are Life Path 8’s.
Oliver Stone, Martha Stewart, Bob Dylan, Sandra Bullock, Deepak Chopra, Elizabeth Taylor, Giorgio Armani and Barbra Streisand are all Life Path 8’s.

Soul Colors and Brown = 8
Life Path 8’s have an innate understanding of human nature. They are well suited for running a business and being in positions of authority.
With great power comes great responsibility. 8’s need to be aware of their tendency to become workaholics.
If 8 energy slumps, they can fall into victimhood or feelings of lack. Pursuit of material success can blind an 8 to what is most important.
8’s must watch out for possessive and dominating tendencies in the race to the top of the ladder.
How does brown (8) show up in your Soul Colors?
Are you feeling abundance or lack? Are you balancing the need for material success with inner contentment?
Life Path 8 reminds us that physical power is an expression of power and not the source. And that the power of love overcomes the love of power.

Soul Colors with Life Path 8, brown background.
*Photos courtesy of Unsplash.com