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S t u d i o V i s i t s b y A p p o i n t m e n t
White = 0
The No-Color & All-Colors of White White takes a special place in our world of color. White light is all the colors of the rainbow...
Black = 9
Back in Black Black is the great attractor. It is the darkest color (shade) because of the complete absorption of all other visible light...
Brown = 8
Balance & Power Brown balances forces from the material realm and the spiritual realm, equally. It can help us feel secure, protected,...
Purple = 7
The Philosopher Purple reigns in the kingdom of the imagination. It seeks truth above all else. Introspective and intuitive, purple acts...
Indigo = 6
The Caretaker Indigo lives in the realm of intuition and wisdom. Unlike the vast and explorative qualities of blue, indigo brings wisdom,...
Blue = 5
A Dynamic Force Blue expands its dynamic force through curiosity and imagination. Like the vast blue sky and deep blue ocean, blue calls...
Green = 4
Salt of the Earth Green is foundational, devoted, and providing. Green is most associated with nature and fertility but also represents...
Yellow = 3
The Creative Child Yellow is joyous, celebratory, and welcoming. Yellow exudes excitement and expression. But most of all, yellow...
Orange = 2
The All-Knowing The big orange sun shines its warm light without judgement. Its orange glow forever mysterious and all-knowing Orange is...
Red = 1
Primal Force Reds formed the fiery cauldron from which all matter cooled and formed. Red is the blush of our cheeks and the bloody wounds...
Seeing Color + Messengers
Rods and Cones As an artist, I've had a lifetime love affair with color. Color amazes, heals, informs, makes me think. Every color in the...
I'm here in Mexico with my daughter. We are visiting family and friends and feeling fortunate to be here in these uncertain times. We...
It's a Color(full) Life
Want to Trade? It's been a busy week in the studio, and I've been feeling in the flow. I'm leaving town for a couple of weeks and will...
Spirograph + Mysticism
Drawing Math I remember the magic of the crayon on paper, the way what came out felt both in and out of my control. I remember trying to...
Invisible Sculpture + Art Therapy (needed)
Invisible Sculpture + Art Therapy (needed) Invisible Sculpture Speaking of the abstract, recently, we got to see (or actually, not see)...
Conscious Painting + Space-time Headset
World of Illusion For centuries, Eastern religions have defined the reality we perceive as illusory. This notion always resonated with...
Drawing Blind + State of Flow
Drawing Blind Kimon Nicolaïdes's 1941 book The Natural Way to Draw popularized blind contour drawing. There is something magical about...
Keep Going
I love my Keep Going print made by my sister-in-law, Sarah Foelske Milward @makenicedesign. It reminds me of one of my most repeated...
ART-ificial Intelligence
When news came out this week about AI-generated songs by dead folks, it grabbed my attention. If you have yet to hear it, check out the...
What is an NFT you ask? It’s likely if you hadn’t heard of NFT’s before, you heard of them this month. An NFT or non-fungible token is a...
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